Sunday, November 9, 2008

Barely Adequate +

Last year, shortly after I returned to full-time employment, my husband informed me that I was a barely adequate mother. Apparently, by his standards, any mother who returns to work is barely adequate. It is the stay at home moms, like my sister Natalie and my girlfriend Carmen, who are great moms. It should also be noted that Dave told me last week it was his birthright to not cook supper, as the male he should come home to a warm home cooked meal every night. He's full of such crazy ideas, but I digress. With the move to New Zealand, Dave suggested I could be upgraded to a good mom. Yet, it was his humble opinion that since I was still working part-time, the elusive great mom label was still unattainable. Almost three months into this adventure, I can honestly say...we'll see about that :-)


Beat Benninger said...

All I can say is, keep Beat and Dave apart!!!David Merner irons his own shirts, now there is a good man, more than adequate, might even be upgradeable to great!

Beat Benninger said...

You realize that BEAT did not say that...Cynthia did. It is just that I disappear into his account.

DanMan said...

Good Moms and Good Dads are hard to find!
I have yet to see the "perfect" family. Besides, those families have a lot of help and support. But even the "perfect" family have their mis-givings.
Work with what you have! It works in our household...give a little, take a little!