Sunday, September 14, 2008

An Unexpected Entry

As I go about my time here, I file away little things I might like to mention in my blog. Since Dave & I had headed to the Northlands this weekend, I had planned such riveting material as the disappointment of Sheepworld, the challenges of travelling with a two-year old, and the beauty of Whangarei Falls. All of this seems less important following Dave's grim discovery...

After hiking the short jaunt to the bottom of the Whangarei Falls, Dave wanted to climb across the rocks to get closer. As I was busy changing Mikaela out of yet another pee-soaked outfit, I encouraged him to go solo and I would take a picture once he was under them. When I turned back a moment later, he was hunched over in what I assumed was a gasping for air position. Given his disregard for his own safety, I naturally assumed he had had a near death experience - most likely having the wind knocked out of him. When he made the universal sign for a slit throat, it seemed to confirm my suspicions. His next words shocked me, "There's a dead body over here".

While at the edge of the pool with Mikaela earlier, I had noticed a black and white sneaker. It reminded me of the mysterious feet washing ashore in BC, but I dismissed the idea that it could be anything untoward - we were at a major tourist attraction surrounded by beauty. It would seem I was wrong. Once Dave composed himself and returned to us, we headed to the car park to phone the police. They took an unusually long time for them to appear, and the first words of the officer on the scene "So you found one for us, mate?" were not comforting. As Dave headed back down with them, I was oddly drawn to watch from far away. In fact, there was a little cluster of curious bystanders stationed on the viewing platform opposite the crime scene. As the hours tick by post-discovery, both Dave & I find ourselves googling looking for more details. Who was this man? How did he die? I don't know if we'll ever have the answers we seek.

Although disturbing, and I suspect Dave will have nightmares for awhile, it has in no way soiled our opinion of New Zealand. We'll just have to try and remember the time before the discovery...


treesaw said...

Oh man, that's horrible. Poor Dave!

It looks like a beautiful place though.

Talk soon,

Tony Fisher said...

OMG! You always wonder what you'd do in a situation like that (or at least I do), truly bizarre.

Glad to hear that you're all OK.

Stay happy!

Lara said...


and ack ack ack.

Kimla said...

Well at least that is one way to get into the New Zealand press!! YIKES!! Perhaps, next time, something less gruesome! So how do you get such an awful image out of your head?